A 30-year, half-cent countywide sales tax to enhance transit, highways, expressways and active transportation (bicycles, pedestrians and complete streets). The measure passed by nearly 72%, the highest level of support for any Santa Clara County transportation tax. The 2016 Measure B Citizens' Oversight Committee ensures funds are expended as approved. Read More »
This website is a window into 2016 Measure B revenue and spending. You can search, view and share unaudited financial information about programs and projects, updated quarterly or as new information is released.
Email us at 2016MeasureB@vta.org.
Revenue collected is the net receipt of 2016 Measure B sales tax revenue, excluding interests earned.
Sales tax revenue collection for 2016 Measure B started April 1, 2017 and the measure will continue collecting revenue through March 31, 2047.
An allocation is the VTA Board-approved amount of 2016 Measure B funds available for a specified project or program. Learn about Awards and Expenditures.
The 2016 Measure B ballot language specified nine Program Categories, with allocations specified for each. The percentage shown reflects the total share of Program Tax Revenues for a Program Category for the life of the measure.
VTA's fiscal year is the 12-month accounting period that starts on July 1 and ends on June 30 of the following year.
Fiscal year is often abbreviated FY, and the year referenced is the end of that period. For example, FY 2019 covers from July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.
Grantees are agencies that receive 2016 Measure B funds for projects. They include 15 cities, Santa Clara County, Caltrain and VTA.
The ballot allocation is the amount (in 2017 dollars) that can be spent on each program category as written in the 2016 Measure B ballot language. The percentage shown reflects the total share of Program Tax Revenues for a Program Category for the life of the measure. The ballot allocations were as follows:
Each program category in 2016 Measure B has specific project eligibility criteria. Access the program-specific guideline documents.
No, only public agencies in Santa Clara County - 15 cities, Santa Clara County, Caltrain and VTA - are eligible to apply for 2016 Measure B funds. You may partner with a public agency to apply for a 2016 Measure B grant.
Open project calls will be posted on our Programming & Grants page.
An award shows that VTA and a grantee have executed an agreement to fund a project. Learn about Allocations and Expenditures.
An Expenditure is VTA's reimbursement of 2016 Measure B funds to a grantee. Learn about Allocations and Awards.
The total allocated funding is the total amount of 2016 Measure B funds the VTA-Board has authorized for use.